Myrtle Beach | North Carolina Family Photographer

For about 3 years now, our family has done a beach vacation with two other families from church.  This year, however, one family could not go so we planned a long weekend with the K Family.  Despite two teething babies (who were pretty darn cranky), we all had a great time.  Each couple even got a date night!  Got to love built in babysitting.  🙂

Mom had been wanting to do pictures of the kids and we kept getting hindered by sickness and busyness – so why not do them at the beach??!!  We found a great spot on the beach and had a little bit of fun.  I adore these images – so sweet and lovely.  I hope that you enjoy them even more, K Family!!  🙂


June 9, 2011 - 1:59 am

Casey Martinez - soooooo happy that you left me a comment because I had misplaced your card!! I would love to get together sometime and hang out with the kiddos;0. Your pictures of children are BEAUTIFUL!! Kids are not my strength in photography but, you are clearly gifted in this!!

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