Springtime | Apex Family Photographer

Wow, this poor blog has been SUPER neglected this year!  2014 has been a whirlwind of a year as well.  I took the first few months off from photography just to refresh and then when I was ready to get back into the swing of things we found out we are expecting baby #3!  Needless to say, 1st trimester (and even 2nd trimester) took me out!  So, now that I am feeling a bit more like myself I am going to catch the blog up and bring it current.  🙂


We will start with this family who needed pictures in the early spring for an updated family picture, 2 year pictures for little man and 5 year pictures for older sister.  So, we set out one afternoon to a cute spot in their neighborhood.  Everything seemed like it would go well – weather held out, naps had been had, and snacks were in the bellies.  Unfortunately, little man wanted nothing to do with pictures.  We got a few that you would never guess he was a crank which is all we needed.  🙂  Thanks, C Family!

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